Posts in Education
Ed Tech Learning Outcomes: The impact of learning tools on disadvantaged students

Education technology (ed tech) has been broadly championed as a key component of education reform in U.S. public schools. There are now thousands of tools, materials, and services on the ed tech market, many promising to help raise the level of U.S. K-12 education. While many of these tools are underpinned by solid theories of change and pedagogy, the vast majority have not been rigorously examined, evaluated or validated.

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EducationChristian Hodgson
Labor Lens Investing: The business case for fair labor practices

This paper describes a promising new effort to fight global labor exploitation using financing strategies to advance and expand the global trend toward fair labor practices. It focuses on private market investment innovations and opportunities, where investors interested in improving global labor conditions while achieving positive financial results are most likely to meet their objectives.

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