Mitigating Investment Risk in Climate Tech Companies
Investing in climate technologies in a constrained investment market requires a data-backed, strategic approach to risk mitigation. Rigorous scientific methodologies and comprehensive due diligence are essential. Investors that want to properly mitigate risk should focus on companies with validated technologies that have undergone thorough Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to ensure environmental, market, and financial viability.
Basic Environmental Impact Assessment
Our reports and analytics help companies raise funds faster, engage customers more efficiently, and gain valuable insights into key competitors
We collect data on more commonly deployed technologies across an industry and then compare an emerging technology’s performance against those benchmarks. The result is a pithy, smart analysis of how that product is distinct in its category.
Full Environmental Impact Assessment
Full Environmental Impact Assessment is based on data-driven impact analysis, customized for specific industries to facilitate smarter and more informed investment decisions. Boundless rates companies by creating environmental impact metrics that are relevant to a specific industry, and then collecting company-specific data.
We develop industry benchmarks on our own seven proprietary Environmental Key Performance Indicators (EKPIs) and the information culminates in an impact profile. Public company assessments involve more industry experts and more extensive review of past data.
GHG Emissions Footprint
We analyze the GHG Emissions Footprint of products using our “Baseline LCA” method, comparing them to competing products in an industry. Boundless compiles results into an investor-friendly document that includes written and graphic explanations of the research, industry benchmarks, industry expert feedback, and climate performance.
GHG Emisisons Projections
Boundless GHG Emissions Projections provide detailed analysis of the future emissions of a product. We determine performance over a specific period of time based on market analysis and expected production and market penetration. The results provide compelling and defensible data that enable a company to showcase the long-term GHG savings and emissions performance of a new product and how this growth enables transformative technologies to gain market share over time.
Investor Portal
Our subscribers access up-to-date industry analytics, company scores and rankings, industry benchmarks, and white papers across all the leading cleantech and health enterprises and technologies. Our growing team of analysts continues to expand and refine our industry benchmarks, enabling us to assess and score more companies across more industries.
Boundless members also enjoy monthly online and offline opportunities to grow their network, learn about impact sectors, and collaborate with leading impact experts in the energy, health, water, materials, waste, and sustainable food and ag sectors, among others.
We currently have 65+ family offices as subscribers and are now extending our subscriptions to a whole new universe of private investors, wealth advisors, companies, and funds.
Impact Analysis
Climate Screen
The Boundless team has built a model that applies our extensive industry benchmark data to assess risks and opportunities for emerging technologies in different cleantech industries.
The Boundless Climate Screen provides a comparison of a product’s environmental performance by grading an emerging technology according to increasing levels of impact and risk, looking at GHG emissions reduction, water footprint, air quality, waste, safety, and regulatory factors.
This analysis delivers a high-level view of how your product ranks against key industry competitors.