
Proprietary and confidential information will never be shared, and all investors are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Objective Research

We do not change data or our reporting structure based on the influence of our customers, investors, or other interested parties.

Expert Reviewed

Vetted, independent experts review all our work.

Commitment to Impartiality and Confidentiality

Boundless is committed to impartiality and objectivity in our environmental impact analysis, industry research and operations. We understand the importance of independent and science-based research and carry this responsibility in our daily work and verification activities. We manage any potential conflict of interest that arises to ensure the objectivity of our work.


  • Boundless works with vetted independent experts on every assessment we conduct to ensure our results are empirical, objective, and of the highest quality.
  • Our research work is based on objective evidence gathered through a scientific process. Findings in our reports are objective and results are shown in such a way. We declare we do not change data or our reporting structure based on the influence of our customers, investors, or other interested parties.
  • Boundless has a Scientific Advisory Council that monitors the quality and rigor of our research and critiques our methodology to ensure it meets industry requirements. This Council meets quarterly to discuss our quickly evolving environmental impact research and analysis methodology and practices.
  • Our internal staff and external independent industry experts are required to declare any potential conflict of interest they have before the start of an assessment.


  • Boundless provides its customers with the confidence that confidential and proprietary information shall never be disclosed. We provide protection regarding confidential information disclosure in each contract we sign.
  • All investors who sign up for the Boundless Climate Impact Data Portal are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, so as to ensure privacy for all the industry research and analytics, company data and reports, ratings and rankings that we provide.

Boundless welcomes any comments or concerns regarding our research work, impartiality, or confidentiality as we are always seeking to improve our work.