GHG Emissions Analysis

For Investors

A technical diligence tool that scientifically analyzes a new technology’s GHG footprint, and compares that footprint against industry standards. Gain peace of mind from projected future emissions.

Is now the time to measure your impact?

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The GHG Emissions Analysis allows Boundless to calculate the GHG emissions of a product and compare it with its industry peers. We compile a technology’s GHG analysis into an investor friendly document, including both graphic and written explanation of the research, analysis, and market applications.

Our analysis is conducted by leading climate scientists from superior academic institutions and employs Life Cycle Analysis, a technique to assess the environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life, and a methodology currently missing in most existing impact investing and ESG investing tools.

Discover Your GHP Footprint

Learn how each piece of your supply chain affects your overall GHG footprint, and compare your results to industry standards.

Project Future Emissions

Project GHG emissions savings on the target industry, comparing traditional technologies to your company’s technology, and considering different levels of penetration.

Share Results

Share your GHG assessment results with prospective investors, strategic and corporate partners.

GHG Emissions Analysis

Available now

Our GHG Analysis typically takes 2 weeks. Your company data, the industry benchmarks and our custom analysis are reviewed by an independent industry expert before delivery of the GHG analysis asset.

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Our GHG emissions analysis can also be expanded to include financial metrics….

Show investors how your environmental impact relates to your commercialization potential with our financial metrics. Companies can receive a GHG analysis, including additional carbon return on investment, and cost metric analysis.