Boundless Methodology
Through a combination of industry research, company data, and environmental impact analysis, we’ve built a robust LCA-based methodology and platform to empower cleantech companies to differentiate their products and gain commercial traction faster. We also enable investors to maximize returns with environmental technology validation and data-driven insights.
Baseline Life Cycle Assessment
The Boundless Baseline Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is unique in order to ensure a rapid turnaround (needed for emerging clean technology companies with a limited budget and time), accessible language and interpretation, and clean presentation of final results.
Our Environmental Impact Assessment follows some but not all traditional ISO 14044 Life Cycle Assessment methods, delivering high-caliber reports for much less time and cost.
Unlike online carbon calculators, our process is not based on self-reported data or gross estimates. Our results are highly accurate and defensible, giving you confidence and clarity in your environmental performance.
Before presenting our final results, we draw from our network of 1000+ subject matter experts to evaluate our findings. This unique step validates our process and leaves you with an objective and validated environmental impact report
Establish Environmental Metrics
We select Environmental Key Performance Indicators (EKPIs) that offer the most truthful insights into the environmental performance of products in each cleantech vertical. We drill down to technologies within industries, such as alternative batteries within the energy storage industry. Environmental performance can be best distinguished at this level of analysis.
Build Industry Benchmarks
We draw from our extensive database of scientific literature, white papers, industry reports, and proprietary software to determine which industry benchmarks will be valuable for our analysis.
We have benchmarked more than 350 clean technologies across energy, transportation, water, circular economy, sustainable agriculture, alternative proteins, and advanced materials.
Waste to Value
Waste-to-Value, a form of circular economy, is the process of generating value in the form of materials from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. As humans produce more waste, innovative ways of using it to create value will be crucial.
Analyze Industry Dynamics
Our industry research and analytics deliver unparalleled insights into which technologies are the most effective from an environmental and technical point of view. This allows us to compare your company to competitors and equips you with high-quality, third-party analytics that helps companies outperform their competition and helps investors make smarter decisions.
By measuring performance of EKPIs consistently across industries, you can easily compare your product to competitors or other products which may seem unrelated.
Standardize Environmental Performance
Boundless Environmental Impact Data & Analytics not only provides the most up-to-date and relevant insights on the environmental performance of companies and clean technologies, but also standardizes metrics within industries, enabling highly useful comparative insights for companies and investors alike.
GHG Scenario
GHG Scenario Analysis can help companies determine the factors that affect their EKPIs. Using the Sensitivity Analysis results, companies will be able to make decisions regarding changes in their production processes and have a general idea of the outcomes those decisions will have for their environmental performance. Those changes can range from the type of energy used to quantities of input material that goes into the process. The Sensitivity Analysis takes an additional two weeks and the cost is to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Proprietary and confidential information will never be shared, and all investors are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Objective Research
We do not change data or our reporting structure based on the influence of our customers, investors, or other interested parties.
Expert Reviewed
Vetted, independent experts review all our work
Commitment to Impartiality and Confidentiality
Boundless is committed to impartiality and objectivity in our environmental impact analysis, industry research, and operations. We understand the importance of independent and science-based research and carry this responsibility in our daily work and verification activities. We manage any potential conflict of interest that arises to ensure the objectivity of our work.
- Boundless works with vetted independent experts on every assessment we conduct to ensure our results are empirical, objective, and of the highest quality.
- Our research work is based on objective evidence gathered through a scientific process. Findings in our reports are objective and results are shown in such a way. We declare we do not change data or our reporting structure based on the influence of our customers, investors, or other interested parties.
- Boundless has a Scientific Advisory Council that monitors the quality and rigor of our research and critiques our methodology to ensure it meets industry requirements. This Council meets quarterly to discuss our quickly evolving environmental impact research and analysis methodology and practices.
- Our internal staff and external independent industry experts are required to declare any potential conflict of interest they have before the start of an assessment.
- Boundless provides its customers with the confidence that confidential and proprietary information shall never be disclosed. We provide protection regarding confidential information disclosure in each contract we sign.
- All investors who sign up for the Boundless Climate Impact Data Portal are required to sign a confidentiality agreement so as to ensure privacy for all the industry research and analytics, company data and reports, ratings, and rankings that we provide.
Boundless welcomes any comments or concerns regarding our research work, impartiality, or confidentiality, as we are always seeking to improve our work.