Carbon Management and Accounting

GHG Emissions Projections

Boundless GHG Emissions Projections provide detailed analysis of the future emissions of a product. We determine performance over a specific period of time based on market analysis and expected production and market penetration. The results provide compelling and defensible data that enable a company to showcase the long-term GHG savings and emissions performance of a new product and how this growth enables transformative technologies to gain market share over time.

GHG Emissions Footprint

We analyze the GHG Emissions Footprint of products using our “Baseline LCA” method, comparing them to competing products in an industry. Boundless compiles results into an investor-friendly document that includes written and graphic explanations of the research, industry benchmarks, industry expert feedback, and climate performance.

Carbon Credit Advisory

Boundless advises companies on their carbon management and accounting strategies, including on carbon credit project development, and how to engage in and maximize their performance in environmental markets. We help our customers develop carbon credit strategies, so they can take their environmental performance improvements and turn them into a profit-making aspect of their business. We have a dedicated team of carbon management and accounting specialists who work with global corporate customers to facilitate their participation in the voluntary and regulated carbon credit markets.  

We are also actively engaged by some of our customers to help them turn their positive environmental performance into other commodities like plastic credits, water credits, and ecosystem credits. Please reach out to a Boundless team member to learn more.

Scope 1, 2,3 Inventories

Boundless’ expertise in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) enables us to efficiently analyze a company's Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG impacts in a way that tracks progress over time. Boundless can provide a detailed accounting of your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, including data visualization and analysis that your investors and customers can read to get a clear picture of your emissions performance.

GHG Scenario Analysis

The Boundless GHG Scenario Analysis tool helps companies assess their current emissions levels, build realistic reduction scenarios, and develop strategies for more sustainable products and operations.

We can't predict the future, but Boundless GHG Scenario Analysis provides high-quality insights to guide your carbon reduction strategies. Armed with our modeling capabilities, you will reduce uncertainties on your path to a reduced carbon footprint, and figure out how to best tell your sustainability story.

Carbon Intensity Scoring

Boundless can provide Carbon Intensity Scores to companies seeking to take advantage of California’s Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). Companies use CI Scoring to meet environmental compliance requirements and get much-needed carbon credits to be competitive in their industry. 

Carbon Intensity Scoring measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with a particular product or service and follows the Argonne National Lab’s GREET model to calculate emissions savings for transportation fuels such as gasoline, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable natural gas. Carbon intensity scores can also be used to compare the environmental performance of different products and services and to identify opportunities for emissions reductions.