Bellwether Coffee Roaster

Berkeley, CA


58 full time

Relevant clients
Capitola, CTE Drip Drop Coffee, Dr. Smood, Epoch, Factory, Hive, Joe Coffee, Long Beach Coffee & Tea, Odin, and XO Espresso



Inefficiencies in the roasting process and overall logistics have tied the multi-billion dollar coffee industry to social issues, significant waste, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but Bellwether is poised to transform the industry by reducing coffee’s environmental footprint and improving the well-being of coffee farmers in developing countries.

With its technology, Bellwether integrates on-site electric coffee roasting with intuitive software, which allows coffee companies and shops to offer their own range of sustainable coffee brands as well as balanced and flavored coffee on demand.

Coffee is more sustainable with Bellwether’s unique method for increasing resource efficiency and decreasing environmental impacts. When powered by renewable electricity, the Bellwether coffee roaster has significantly lower emissions than traditional natural gas-powered coffee roasting facilities. The cleaner electricity-powered roasting technology prevents dangerous particulates, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide pollutants, that are typically emitted by a traditional natural gas-fueled roaster.

As a result, coffee companies using the Bellwether roaster and their customers experience all the benefits of on-site freshly roasted coffee with far fewer harmful environmental impacts.

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