
Access fantastic tools and reports, including briefs, metrics and insights
  • 1 user
  • Industry BriefsBriefs are short overviews of new industries, why they deserve funds to scale, the latest market trends that support their commercialization and who they top players are.
  • Climate Company SummariesCompany summaries include our company scores and high level analysis without access to more detailed company data & analytics.
  • Industry MetricsWe have compiled the most relevant metrics for each area of the Boundless taxonomy to help our customers understand how they should be assessing the most exciting new technologies.
  • Research Analyst ConsultationReceive one hour of deep dive time per month for you and your clients to discuss the latest trends with a Boundless Research Analyst.

$ 7,500 year

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Everything from our premium membership, plus enterprise features
  • 1 user + up to 5 additional seatsAdditional seats for up to 5 of your clients and team members.
  • Impact Diligence WorkshopsBoundless offers customized training and exclusive access to our research analysts and industry experts. Institutional members get access to quarterly impact measurement workshops to gain valuable insights into clean tech industries.
  • Access Industry ExpertsSubject matter experts provide the most up-do-date insights on new industries, technologies and enterprises that are showing promise to realize extraordinary impact and financial returns.
  • Custom Research Boundless will produce customized research on cleantech investing topics, so your team can get the data and insights it needs for technical diligence.

$ 25,000 year

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