Alternative Proteins

Industry Outlook and Investment Opportunities

INTRODUCTION Alternative protein sources have quickly moved from fringe products, consumed almost exclusively by vegetarians, to mainstream ones, where everyone wants a piece of the pie. The sector shows clear signs of an expanding market share. Growing interest in flexitarian diets, increased concerns about climate effects (replace with “the effects of climate change”?) on meat, and a heightened aversion to factory farm practices are increasing Americans’ openness to plant-based protein alternatives. There’s also excitement in the emerging lab-based alternative proteins field. Yet despite interest in the environmental and social benefits of alternative proteins, taste and appearance remain a significant barrier to consumer acceptance.

2019 HIGHLIGHTS Investment in alternative proteins continues to accelerate.

• In 2019, California-based Beyond Meat went public, and quickly reached a valuation of more than $9 billion at its peak.

• Funding for innovative food startups, mostly comprised of alternative protein companies, doubled from $500 million in 2018 to… read the full report here

Read the full report here

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