Carbon Payback Time
Represents the time, in years, that it takes for a product's use to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of its production.
Water Footprint
The water used per metric ton of production or waste
Carbon Return on Investment
The GHG abatement potential (in metric tons of GHG emissions) per million U.S. dollars capital investment in waste processing pathways.
Levelized Cost of Energy
Represents the levelized cost of battery production per kWh energy capacity.
VOC Footprint
The volatile organic compound emissions released to the surrounding environment associated with battery manufacturing.
Energy Footprint
Energy inputs in megajoule (MJ) per kilowatt–hour (kWh) of energy storage capacity, including the processes, embodied energy of materials, and transportation steps through the supply chain.
Product GHG Intensity
A measure of the greenhouse gas impact per FU