Air Pollution
kgPM2.5 / Functional Unit
Avoidance of emissions of fine inhalable particles to the surrounding environment (with diameters that are 2.5 micrometers and smaller).
Product GHG Intensity
kgCO2e / kg of protein
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measured as CO2 equivalent per mass of product. The value could include carbon emissions linked to input resource extraction, shipping and processing, and other factors.
Carbon Payback Time
Measure of the time that it takes for a product’s use to offset the GHG of its production.
Energy Payback Time
A standard measure of the time that it takes for a non-fossil fuel energy generating solution to offset the energy invested in it.
Water Footprint
gallons / kg of protein
How much water is used to produce product.
Nutritional Waste Footprint
kg nutritional waste / kg of protein
How much edible caloric waste is generated during product production.
Cost of Production
$ / kg of protein
Average unit-cost of production.
Land Footprint
acres / kg of protein
How much land is used for cultivation and processing per product made?
Solvent / VOC Footprint
mg / kWh
Measure of the VOC avoided by using water-based manufacturing.
GHG Intensity
The greenhouse gas impact per kWh of energy storage capacity.