Benedetto Rugani, Ph.D.

Senior Research & Technology Associate

Benedetto Rugani is a Research & Technology Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), affiliated to the department ERIN (Environmental Research and Innovation) within the RDI Unit on Life Cycle Sustainability and Risk Assessment (LiSRA).

During the last 7 years after his PhD, Benedetto Rugani contributed to the improvement and combination of existing methodological approaches and indicators (eMergy synthesis, ecological footprint evaluation, hybrid input-output analysis, etc.) to assess the environmental impact of life cycle activities on natural resources supply and ecosystems productivity. Current research activity focuses on the development of integrated system dynamics modelling approaches and decision support tools for the consequential and prospective assessment of ecosystem services, with a focus on urban systems.

Ecosystem services are evaluated at different spatial and temporal resolutions of life cycle consumption and production activities (for urban metabolism systems, agriculture products supply-chains, country-scale economic systems, etc.). In this regard, Benedetto Rugani is principal investigator of two research projects on this general topic (VALUES and ESTIMUM), financed by the FNR Luxembourg under the competitive annual funding scheme "FNR CORE". He is also work package leader in the H2020 project "Nature4Cities", and supervisor of three PhD students working on research challenges in the domain of life cycle sustainability analysis, integrated assessment modelling, and urban ecosystem services.